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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Liam Phung

Project Description

Like the saying,“One business’s trash is another business's treasure”
What if we can help connect those businesses?

XChange is an app and a plaza that connects enterprises and businesses to exchange each other’s recycled goods and earn crypto tokens doing it!

Watch our video here:

Through open data, precinct locations have been determined for the best optimisation with many factors mainly based on business types.

XChange’s plaza is a place where businesses come together to exchange recycled materials with one another. The recycled material would be sorted at the plaza, when it ready, it notifies the other business via the app for collection so they may re-use it.

Why would businesses collect recycled material or give them?
Enterprises will save money on the low-cost product production costs for raw materials, it will also be more convenient for them as of how close the plaza is thanks to the help of open data determing the area.
Businesses will save money on waste management costs, at the same time they save our environment! It's a Win! Win! Win! Win!

But that’s not all! Everytime an enterprise collects recycled goods or a business gives their recycle waste, they will be thanked for their contribution to their eco-friendly ways, they will level up on the app and be recognised to the public of their actions and also be given an xChange Crypto token, these tokens could be used to exchange for free collect/transport services from us!

Use XChange!, Let’s make a change and exchange!

XChange Arrange Collection
XChange Arrange Collection
XChange's Arrange DropOff
XChange Drop Off Screen
XChange Crypto Token

Data Story

The use of open data is used to determine the most optimal location for the best areas for XChange’s plaza in Adelaide's Precinct.

  • This is used to show mapping plans, to rule out all out of the residential areas and to find the businesses/industry areas

  • Precincts locations, boundaries and restrictions of builds.

  • Plumbing, pipe lines and how easily accessible the location is.

  • The general population around the area, are there other businesses or residential only?

  • Lastly to locate where all the businesses/industries are located in Adelaide, the type of industry they are in, and their main category of recyclable waste.

All of these factors are then used to determine the most optimal precinct area to build XChange’s plaza.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

SA Property Planning & Atlas

Description of Use This database shows maps, layers, locations enviroments infracture and more. ALl of this information informs to determine an area

Data Set

Business by industry

Description of Use With this open data, we are able to locate all industries and businesses, we know what businesses they are in and we can determine the majority type of recycled waste given the similarity of industries

Data Set

Map of Precincts

Description of Use This data set is used to show Adelaide’s precincts locations, which specific area is an individual precinct. It will be used in conjunction with another open data set to determine which precinct is optimal for businesses.

Data Set

Adelaide Park Lands Community Land Register

Description of Use With this open data, we can determine the boundaries and vacant land available for the precinct to build a “plaza”, to determine it’s legality for building.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Re-imagining recycling for businesses in the City of Adelaide

How do we identify the best locations to implement a zero avoidable waste approach for businesses? How do we maximise the use of these locations so businesses feel empowered to waste less and recycle more?

Go to Challenge | 4 teams have entered this challenge.