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Xtra Jobs

Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Alison Do and 1 other member with an unpublished profile.

Project Description

The number of unemployed people in South Australia is quite high. South Australia has the highest rate of unemployment among all the states of Australia. One reason behind this is the problem coming from the jobs demands and supplies provided in South Australia. Sometimes, people’s skillsets do not meet the job criteria. Another reason is that a skill gap exists between professional skills and employable skills. As can be seen from most of the job advertisements; soft skills are needed but no particular methods to measure them exist. Whist universities, training centres and government agencies are providing services and degrees related to professional skills; recruiters are also looking for employable skills as well. The issue here is that while many people cannot get into the industry, recruiters find it hard to employ the right candidates. While the technologies keep changing, lacking these transferable skills will cause people soon unable to keep up with changes and switch paths.
Therefore, XTRA team comes up with an idea called Xtra Jobs which provides information about what skills are required through an interactive website and mobile application. The job seeking citizens are the target of the application. Recruiters and government agencies are users of Xtra Jobs as well.
Solutions (Features)
1. The content of the website/app includes various types of games to assess the soft skills of the users, and record user profiles.
2. The website/app will collect and store information about users and share to some companies/employers, where related, if user opts in. Additionally, in this application, users can get the information about what skills are required for particular jobs, where they can focus on developing specific skills.
3. A report of the user’s skillset can be generated for users to attach onto their CVs.
4. A record of this information will be used by universities, recruiters and government agencies to provide services and training needed for particular groups of people based on their interests or residents of certain areas.
The skills assessment method is that, for a particular skill, there will be a unit to assess the level of user’s skill, ranking from 1 – 100. Users can get additional credit or increase their level by completing training and participating in some events provided by authorised organisations. These organisations will be given the authorities only from the Government.
For example, a competitor attending GovHack will be given additional credit from the organisation on their team work, networking, communication, coding, leadership skills when they met the criteria provided by this organisation. The competitor needs to provide evidence to the organisation for the skillset if they want to get credit. GovHack will then be responsible as a referee when they are giving credits to the competitors.
The benefits of the application are:
• For job seekers: this is good for self-improvement, strengthening their CVs by accessing information for different opportunities services and training provided. This is a way to be job ready.
• For the employers and businesses: the application will provide them a list of skilled users and reduce the recruiting processes as there will be a way to measure the employable skills.
• For universities: skill training centres, community centres, they can provide the essential training, services for a particular group of people and areas.
• South Australia will have lower rate of unemployment. This helps reducing the applications and workloads at Centrelink.

Data Story

  1. Problem: 1.1. South Australia has the highest unemployment rate among all states in Australia. Even the employment growth is 51%, this figure is still under Australian employment growth average. 1.2. Recruiters are looking for degrees, experiences, employable skills. Employable skills make applicant stand out. However, employable skills are not measurable. 1.3. Most emphasised employable skills are: • Interpersonal & people skills • Communication & teamwork skills • Creativity & problem solving • Adaptability & resilience • Critical thinking • Reliability & motivation • Digital literacy .
  2. Who: 2.1. Citizen job seekers 2.2. Recruiter 2.3. Universities, Government agencies, community centres, training centres .
  3. Solutions: 3.1. Mapping professional skills and employable skills 3.2. Game based assessments 3.3. Increase credits by authorised organisations/companies/events with assessment criteria 3.4. Report of skills for individual to attach on CVs 3.5. Report for Government agencies, universities, councils -> which group of people and areas need special training, services. .
  4. How: 4.1. Locations for training services: 4.1.1. Info from people with needs of particular skillsets 4.1.2. Location with high unemployment rate in South Australia 4.1.3. Populous location 4.1.4. Local government areas 4.1.5. Young residents (Aged from 18 – 35) 4.2. Events/programs training for some skillsets: 4.2.1. GovHack: Communication & teamwork skills Creativity & problem solving Digital literacy 4.2.2. Toastmaster: Interpersonal & people skills Communication & teamwork skills 4.2.3. Working experience: Communication & teamwork skills Creativity & problem solving Adaptability & resilience Reliability & motivation

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

SA Government Schools by type and region

Data Set

Local SA Viewer

Data Set

1410.0 - Data by Region, 2012-17

Data Set

20Squared – Workforce Plus

Data Set

Workforce planning and profiling Data

Data Set

Policy Innovation: New thinking. New skills. New tools

Data Set

Unpaid Work Experience in Australia: Prevalence, Nature and Impact

Data Set

Small Area Labour Markets

Data Set

City of Adelaide Census of Land Use and Employment

Data Set

Professional Development Courses List

Data Set

Skills for All Course Search

Data Set

Labour Force

Data Set

National Cities Performance Framework Dashboard Data

Data Set

ACT Occupation List

Data Set

Labour Statistics: Concepts, Sources and Methods

Data Set

Employment Projections

Data Set

Occupation Standard, 2018

Data Set

Survey of Employers' Recruitment Experiences

Data Set

Skill Shortages

Data Set

Job ready skills

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Visualising Department for Education (SA) Data

What information can be learned from the Department for Education datasets showing the location of school zones in South Australia, and the enrolments in schools and preschools? How can people learn from this data, when it's presented in new ways? How can this data be creatively presented, or combined with new data for new insights?

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Unmasking the State / Territory employment data.

How can we unmask the hidden data behind the labour market in our states and territories?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

City of Adelaide – the place to live work and play

How can data show the world that Adelaide is the place to live, work and play?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

Transforming the national to the international (National)

Where should Australian Businesses go next?

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Bounty: Mix and Mashup

How can we combine the uncombinable?

Go to Challenge | 61 teams have entered this challenge.

Your Friendly Council

How can councils collaborate and use information to deliver better services to communities across South Australia?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.

Better Services - Citizens at the Centre

How can we provide better services to South Australian citizens and businesses?

Go to Challenge | 17 teams have entered this challenge.

Work Life Made Easy

How can we make work life easier for employers and their workforces – now, and into the future?

Go to Challenge | 27 teams have entered this challenge.

More Jobs - Empowering South Australia

How can we create South Australian growth?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.