Cost of Living Pressure NSW  banner image

Cost of Living Pressure NSW

Jurisdiction: New South Wales

Cost of living is key issue effecting many NSW citizens. What can data such as the rental bonds and fuel price data tell us about the impact and possible solutions?

New South Wales (NSW) is one of the most populous states in Australia, with a high cost of living. Many people in NSW are experiencing financial strain due to the high cost of housing, utilities, and transportation. The cost of food and healthcare are also major concerns for many residents. These cost-of-living pressures can make it difficult for people to make ends meet and maintain a high quality of life.

Your challenge is to see what data, such as the rental bonds and fuel price data tell us about the impact and what solutions may be possible to address the high cost of living.

Additional Information

Image credit: Photo by Khwanchai Phanthong from Pexels.

Eligibility: Use at least 1 dataset from "”. Department of customer service employees are ineligible for this challenge.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

NSW-Social Housing Delivery Dashboard

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Rent and Sales Report - interactive dashboard

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NSW-Rental Bond Holdings

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Challenge Entries

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