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Diversity in IP Rights System

Jurisdiction: Australia

Out of the top applicants for patents, trade marks and designs to IP Australia, how can we find out how many are female led, have female friendly hiring policies or otherwise have positive gender/sexual diversity policies, and what industries/technologies are they active in?

Each year, IP Australia publishes the IP Report - Australian IP Report 2023 | IP Australia This provides insight into the IP Rights system in Australia. The Australian IP Report analyses current trends in technology, commercialisation and trade through the latest IP statistics. The 2023 report considers the IP system’s role in harnessing skills, diversity and innovation to create a more productive economy, drawing upon new research by IP Australia and other contributors.

For GovHackers this year we would like to draw your attention to Chapter 7 – Diversity and Innovation. We have published some insights about our knowledge of diversity and innovation.

Additional Information

Relevant links:

IPGOD2022 | Datasets | data.gov.au - beta
• Metadata is available here - IPGOD2022 - Dataset - data.gov.au

Image credit: Australian Bureau of Statistics with a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia.

Eligibility: Must reference the IP Report - Australian IP Report 2023 | IP. In particular Chapter 7 – Diversity and Innovation.

Entry: Challenge entry is available to all teams in Australia.

Dataset Highlight

Data.gov.au - Intellectual Property Government Open Data (IPGOD) 2022

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