Entries to SolarZero Challenge: Driving Climate Action Through Self-Service Solar Discovery

Catalogue | Table
What's Your Ocean Tax?

Description As stated by the Ministry for the Environment, there is a need to adapt to climate change. Globally, our goal is to limit temperature increases to 1.5°C or 2°C. 
With these changes, global sea levels are expected to increase from 0.44m to 0.83m by 2100. 
 This means New Zealan...

Go to Project | Under The Sea

Solar Mana

Team Hoa, supporting thw commitment to building a sustainable future, we would like to suggest solutions, to discover and adopt solar energy. We would like supporting 2024 Climate Change and Sustainable Public Policy theme, and support improving the mindset of the people. Solar energy is critical...

Go to Project | Team Hoa - SolarZero


SolarCast aims to empower homeowners with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about solar energy. By combining accurate savings calculations, interactive visualisations, and comprehensive onboarding support, SolarCast will simplify the solar adoption process and contribute to a mor...

Go to Project | SolarCast

Project Watt Wise

This project explores the benefits of subsidising residential solar installations in New Zealand, comparing it to large-scale renewable energy projects like wind farms. Currently, solar energy contributes less than 1% to the country’s energy mix. By offering subsidies, homeowners could reduce ...

Go to Project | Watt Wise


#Problem & Current State New Zealand is currently facing a critical energy crisis. A shortage of gas supply, which is used balance high demand for power when hydro, wind, and solar sources are insufficient, has combined with very low hydro lake levels. This has sent wholesale electricity prices ...

Go to Project | Hacktivators

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