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Blue Lake Mountain Bike Trails

Project Info

M1 thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Mercedes Scott

Project Description

Here's an app that was designed so you as the user can locate and find all the trails that are located around the district and also links to the local Mountain Bike Community’s pages.There is currently no other information provided by Mount Gambier Tourism Towards Mountain Bike Trails in and around Mount Gambier. My aim is to help promote the region as a Mountain biking destination for tourists and adventure seekers.

Data Story

I have used many data sources for example the Tourism Visitor Statistics, South Australian Community Services Directory, NSW Land use 2017 and State of the environment report. I have combined these reports together to allow the app to better understand where tourist usually go and their 'hotspots', the community services that are is the area, and the environmental effects that are brought by the Mountain bike trails.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

State of the environment report

Data Set

NSW Landuse 2017

Data Set

South Australian Community Services Directory

Data Set

Tourism Visitor Statistics

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Local Government Information Technology Association of South Australia

How might we identify opportunities for improvement or new Council services, infrastructure and facilities to benefit community outcomes in South Australia?

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Public Transport for the Future

How might we combine data with modern technologies - such as AI/ML, IoT, Analytics or Natural Language interfaces - to better our public transport services. Outcomes could take the form of new commuter experiences, reduced environmental impact, or helping plan for the future.

Go to Challenge | 45 teams have entered this challenge.

Showcasing our regions

How might we promote South Australian regions to boost regional development?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 What's the coolest way to travel across the city?

Using datasets which map urban heat and green cover across Greater Sydney, we challenge you to develop a tool which visualises green routes through the city. Help people avoid urban heat and move across the city in comfort by mapping out green streets and pathways which connect shopping centres, public transport stops and public spaces.

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 The three C’s of innovation – combination, collaboration, and chance.

How can we combine and use environmental data to gain new insights into New South Wales and tell a story of our diverse landscape?

Go to Challenge | 14 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Improving the customer experience of government services

How can government data be used to improve the experience of citizens interacting with government?

Go to Challenge | 24 teams have entered this challenge.