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Team Name:

Hackers @ A'beckett

Team Members:

Evidence of Work


Project Info

Hackers @ A'beckett thumbnail

Team Name

Hackers @ A'beckett

Team Members

Vaishnavi , Sanskar , Maaz , Deepanshu

Project Description

Calamitigator, as the name suggests is an interface to mitigate the costs associated with calamities which have become ever so frequent.

The approach we take works on 3 fronts:
Government or Authorities

Using historical trends and real-time data, along with counting for factors such as distribution of emergency services, Calamitigator aims to provide a vulnerability score to regions to assist the government to focus their resources towards high risk areas, ones which are likely to suffer the most.

We also aim to provide a simple and user-friendly interface to the citizens to openly share any data they might have through a chatbot interface. We also aim to facilitate the communication between authorities and the public during distress so that a more cohesive and coordinated response can be articulated.

It also provides the citizens an opportunity to be aware about the potential risks or hazards that might be coming their way, via a dashboard. The citizens (clients) are divided into volunteers and possible dependents at the time of sign-up
Using the prediction algorithms used by leading scientists and the datasets and warnings issued by them (to be implemented at a later stage), we will be providing a probabilistic analysis of the calamities that may be around the corner.

Subsequently, we use the client’s location and contact details, which we collect during sign-up, to inform them once any calamity has reached a threshold probability in a radius of 11km (flexible). Once such a message is issued, both the volunteers and dependents receive a prompt to ask for/ provide volunteering services. Those who answer in affirmative are then matched according to their proximity and last known locations and contact numbers are changed, hence empowering and bringing together the community.

#community #disaster #bushfire #communication #reporting #management #planning #identification #future-proofing

Evidence of Work

Project Image

Team DataSets

Designated Bushfire Prone Area (BPA)

Data Set

Hospital Dataset

Data Set

Habitat condition data for Australia from expert elicitation

Data Set

Environment Monitoring API

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Learning from the Past

How might we use data assets from Victoria and other jurisdictions to better understand bushfire events and their effects on communities and the environment?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Data-driven decisions for improved disaster planning, management or recovery

How might we equip decision makers with a data driven tool to support their communities in the face of climate change and natural disasters.

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Connecting our community in an emergency with mobile messaging

How can our local leaders use mobile messaging to connect with citizens in a safe, reliable, and effective way for emergency communications?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Engaging communities in hazard reporting & safety

How might we better prepare & deal with natural disasters in Australia?

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.