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Team 520

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Evidence of Work

CoolWalk Sydney

Project Info

Team Name

Team 520

Team Members

3 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Our project is an interactive app that will help you navigate the city of Sydney. It uses heat vulnerability, vegetation coverage and location data to plan a route throughout the city based on your preferences. These preferences would include whether you want the fastest or coolest route, desired shade coverage and your final destination. The app also includes different food venues such as restaurants and cafes as well as different attractions that you can select.

Data Story

The initial data we found for our project was heat vulnerability index and vegetation coverage. This data was overlayed in ArcGIS to show a visualisation of the cool and hotspots in Sydney. We then scraped data off of Tripadvisor for attractions and food places in Sydney and filtered through this data in excel. This data was then used to create location pin drops on a map with some brief info on places and a hyperlink for the Tripadvisor page.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

NSW Urban Heat Island to Modified Mesh Block 2016

Description of Use This data was used to create a map of the different temperature ranges across Sydney.

Data Set

NSW Heat Vulnerability Index to ABS Statistical Area Level 1 2016

Description of Use This data was used to create a map showing the different heat spots around Sydney.

Data Set

Greater Sydney Region Urban Vegetation Cover to Modified Mesh Block 2016

Description of Use This data was used to generate a map showing the different areas of vegetation coverage percentage.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

🌟 What's the coolest way to travel across the city?

Using datasets which map urban heat and green cover across Greater Sydney, we challenge you to develop a tool which visualises green routes through the city. Help people avoid urban heat and move across the city in comfort by mapping out green streets and pathways which connect shopping centres, public transport stops and public spaces.

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.

Thrive or survive: how can we adapt for the future?

What will Australia in 2050 look like?

Go to Challenge | 38 teams have entered this challenge.

Getting around on the Gold Coast

How can we improve the way locals and tourists travel to, from and around the Gold Coast?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 Improving the customer experience of government services

How can government data be used to improve the experience of citizens interacting with government?

Go to Challenge | 24 teams have entered this challenge.

Public Transport for the Future

How might we combine data with modern technologies - such as AI/ML, IoT, Analytics or Natural Language interfaces - to better our public transport services. Outcomes could take the form of new commuter experiences, reduced environmental impact, or helping plan for the future.

Go to Challenge | 45 teams have entered this challenge.