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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Alyssa Cox , Benji , Heather Cox , Ros Hanlon , Alicia Wang

Project Description

CrocCierge proposes a new approach to tell residents and visitors to the Northern Territory everything their local area has to offer. Government and community services are included, along with events, experiences and tourist destinations, areas of outstanding natural beauty and sites of cultural significance. CrocCierge also alerts users to the danger of crocodiles that may be in your area, by tracking them in real time. It can be accessed via web or a smartphone app.

#crocodile management #northern territory tourism #data driven decisions for a stronger australia #empower your community by making access to local information and services just a click away #community #digital atlas #crocs #nt

Data Story

The Problem

The Northern Territory offers much to residents and visitors in the form of natural beauty, cultural heritage, experiences and services.

However, tourism operators are pessimistic (1) about the future and Territory Government is reporting local services are underutilised.

In addition, recent events have officials more concerned than ever about the threat crocodiles pose to the safety of both tourists and residents (2).

The common thread that ties these things together is that people don’t have the information they need, and it affects their quality of life.

Areas of investigated/research:
· About Crocodiles (3)
· Traditional Stories about Crocodiles - Min-na-wee (4)
· History of crocodile hunting (5)
· Reporting a problem crocodile (6)
· Existing crocodile tracking methods (7 &8)
· Weather (9)
· Crocodile sightings, capture zones and remote are mobile coverage (10,11 &12)
· Northern Territory Digital Boundaries (13)
· Northern Territory Population Distributions (15)
· Norther Territory Police Stations (16)
· NT Market Basket Survey (17)
· Darwin Harbour Habitat Mapping (18)

Our Solution

CrocCierge is the answer! Obtaining Aerial surveys, satellite tracked crocodiles, traps, motion infra-red captures, community crowdsourced reports through our app, as well as external weather related data, this is housed in our cloud platform of choice. Then, by utilising various machine learning models, such as a logistic regression, to classify whether a certain area is of high risk, we can push that out through a live API to our website and phone app for our residents and tourists to use in real time. We also utilise machine learning models to forecast the number of sightings or number of crocs present in the northern territory. When the outputs don’t need to be live, we process them via a bulk batch process for our dashboards and other insights, added and called on from the Digital Atlas of Australia, Northern Territory Government’s Open Data Portal, and Tourism NT. The systems, models, and outputs are constantly monitored for quality assurance, to act on alerts when they are raised.
The app features a login screen, and after logging in, they are presented with a wide variety of options. Here they are able to report a crocodile incident, look at recent crocodile sightings and dangerous zones, explore where the safe zones are, learn more on crocodile related safety, as well as call an urgent crocodile hotline. When reporting a crocodile, users can put in their information, the estimated size of the croc, some optional description, as well as a picture.

It will allow people to ask, in plain language, via voice or text, for information, and using the Retrieval Augmented Generation Large Language Model, return relevant location specific responses to the user, which can be available to screen readers for audio responses, and displayed in various visual modes, such as high contrast, large print, dark mode and colourblind modes, to maximise accessibility for all users. A website will also be available for users who don’t have access to handheld technology or are outside mobile coverage zones. This will also provide data to government services on a number of metrics via dashboards, such as referrals to local services, requests that couldn’t be fulfilled, providing data on what’s needed, particularly in remote areas and generated datasets will create map layers that will improve the Digital Atlas of Australia.
By staying safe, informed and connected, everyone can enjoy the riches the Northern Territory has to offer.

Data Story
1. Industry Sentiment Tourism NT
2. Fatal Crocodile Attacks in Australia
3. Crocodiles - Northern Territory Website
4. Min-na-wee (Why the crocodile rolls)
5. Original Crocodile Hunters
6. Report a Problem Crocodile
7. NT Saltwater Crocodile Wildlife Trade Management Plan: Monitoring Report
8. Standardised method of spotlight surveys for crocodiles in the tidal rivers of the Northern Territory, Australia
9. Weather Data – API
10. NT Crocodile Capture Zones and Daily Count
11. Crocodile Monitoring Survey 2021-2022
12. Mobile Phone Coverage in Remote Areas of the NT 2022
13. Northern Territory Mesh Blocks ASGS Ed 2016 Digital Boundaries
14. CrocCierge POC Dashboard
15. Digital Atlas of Australia - Population Distribution
16. Digital Atlas of Australia - Police Stations
17. NT Market Basket Survey 2023
18. Darwin Harbour Habitat Mapping Program 2015-2018

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

NT Market Basket Survey 2023

Description of Use Used to explore/understand local services in the NT

Data Set

Digital Atlas of Australia - Police Stations

Description of Use Used to explore/understand local services in the NT

Data Set

Digital Atlas of Australia - Population Distribution

Description of Use Used to understand the population distribution in the NT

Data Set

Northern Territory Mesh Blocks ASGS Ed 2016 Digital Boundaries

Description of Use Used to understand the digital boundaries in the NT

Data Set

Mobile Phone Coverage in Remote Areas of the NT 2022

Description of Use Used to understand mobile phone coverage in remote areas where crocodile sightings have been noted

Data Set

Crocodile Monitoring Survey 2021-2022

Description of Use Used to understand sightings of crocodiles in the NT

Data Set

NT Crocodile Capture Zones and Daily Count

Description of Use Used to understand Crocodile Capture Zones

Data Set

Accu Weather API

Description of Use Used with crocodile monitoring/tracking data to forecast sights etc

Data Set

Standardised method of spotlight surveys for crocodiles in the tidal rivers of the Northern Territory, Australia

Description of Use Used to understand existing crocodile tracking methods

Data Set

NT Saltwater Crocodile Wildlife Trade Management Plan: Monitoring Report

Description of Use Used to understand existing crocodile tracking methods

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Crocodile Watch: Enhancing Public Safety

How can crocodile monitoring data be leveraged to create solutions that improve public safety and reduce the risk of crocodile encounters in the Northern Territory?

Go to Challenge | 19 teams have entered this challenge.

Place-based insights unlocked: Generative AI x Digital Atlas of Australia

How can we use the Digital Atlas of Australia’s API and Generative AI to create innovative, user-friendly tools and visualisations that make geospatial data accessible to everyone, empower decision-making, and help all Australians better engage with their local and national environments?

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Boosting Tourism in the Northern Territory

How can data be leveraged to create innovative solutions that boost tourism in the Northern Territory, attract more visitors, and/or enhance their cultural experience?

Go to Challenge | 25 teams have entered this challenge.

Connecting Communities: Your Guide to local Information and Services

How can we assist local residents and visitors in easily locating local services and providing answers to frequently asked questions?

Go to Challenge | 29 teams have entered this challenge.