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Expose: Show us your data

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Evidence of Work

Expose: Show us your data

Project Info

Expose: Show us your data thumbnail

Team Name

Expose: Show us your data

Team Members

2 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Group of data munching friends who have a shared love of solving problems using data. Let us expose it and make it useful. Show us your data!

Data Story


Team memebers: Etienne Oosthuyesen, Jean-Noel Seneque, Jake Deed, Andrew Exley and Cameron Wells

Source Code url:

Video url:

Homepage url:

Local Event Location:

** Challenges: **
- Local - Improving Response - Best entry that assists CFS planning for and responding to incidents
- Local - Emergency Planning and Response - How can we better plan and respond to emergencies?
- National - Bounty: Mix and Mashup - How can we combine the uncombinable?
- National - Bounty: Decision Support - How can we make it easy to use weather and ocean data to our advantage? (e.g. when should you lay concrete, or go out yachtting or picnicking?)
- National - Working Together - How can open government data to improve responsers' situational understanding and ability to plan their response, and share their information between agencies? How can sharing information between agencies be improved by different information presentation, allowing more informed decisions during domestic emergencies or national security events?

Data Collection and Identification:

As a team we worked together to identify all the open licensed data sets, and Data Services we could freely use and re-purpose to meet the above challenges. Immediately we interpreted the challenges as needing mapping data sets; location based, as well as other real time data feeds. There's the data needed for preparation for those ready to confront whatever incident or emergency is occurring, there's the data needed to collect information about the incident, as well as peripheral data such as weather, rainfall\wind direction that is currently occurring. There's also the data to assist the services to reach the incident efficiently and safely, as well as those near the incidents to move away from danger as quickly and safely as possible. Once the relevant services are within proximiatey of the incident or emergency, they need continuous feeds of data to locate those injured or in danger, knowing where the exact front of the fire or emergency is, what risks are a factor, but also relying on constant communication to other emergency services, planes, applicances, volunteers and control centres. Basically, we wanted to find any data sets that may have been useful for any of these purposes.

Using the data, merging together and making available for users and contributors

With complex and different types of data sets, a necessary step is to land this data onto a shared platform, either using a traditional relation database platform, or more modern data stores like cosmos db which can handle semi structured data, to even something less complicated such as BLOB storage. Regardless of the platform, data can then be fed into a number of services using a real time messaging, or streaming service to push data out using a broker which can then be subscribed to by which ever agencies need it. The same source of data can be used by a number of agencies at the exact same time, seeing the same data, but potentially in a different format or application. i.e. A member of a CFS applicance may only want to know details of members of the same applicance, where as their regional chief, needs to know data about several appliances, and a control centre may need to know everything but in summary. All same data, all being pushed out at once, and can be used in different ways by different subscribers. Can also be used by Apps or reporting tools, but being stored in a database gains access to more complex processes like machine learning over historical data. The app can also play the role of data contributor too, allowing users to enhance the data further by inputting more accurate and real time substance such as if a fire or threat has moved, so that everyone can immediately subscribe and be shared the latest information.

Going further than that!

There is plethora of data that 'could' be collected to further enhance the challenge to plan and respond to emergencies even better. Having each vehicle, appliance, plane or helicopter to name a few, tracked by a device to publish to all involved where a vehicle is located at at any point in time, their fuel load and/or their water load (if water bomber or fire appliance). This could extend to individuals on the ground tracking where each servicemen is located, for a variety of benefits from a rescuing point of view, but proximity to the closest threat or person in need of rescue. More complicated devices could be used to locate people in distress either using meshing technology to locate a phone signal, or provide them with beacons so they can be located, with the beacons also sending data to the platform which can be used throughout the solution. Therefore, each entity within the 'environment of concern' can be located and tracked, therefore more complex algorithms can be used in combination of this data to find the best possible method of extracting those from danger, whilst focusing on retarding the threat. If a threat is a person or people, this too can be identified using facial recognition, and tracked and pin pointed using a variety of Artificial Intelligence API's.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

BoM Verification data

Description of Use Relates to Dam management

Data Set

Last Resort CFS - SA

Description of Use If danger is greatly imminent and safe zone can't be reached then a last resort location is the next best thing. Help people locate the closest last resort zone.

Data Set

South Australian Schools, Preschools and Child Care sites with Longitude and Latitude

Description of Use Identify where schools are as these can be used as a safe zones from fires

Data Set

Australian Border Force RSS

Description of Use Subscribe to the RSS feed from Australian Border force to be alerted to significant emergency events

Data Set

CFS Safer Places - SA

Description of Use Locate nearest location to physical premises or personal location at any point in time.

Data Set

Geocoded National Address Flat File

Description of Use Every address with name of location if a point of interest - Use to locate: Fuel stations Accommodation Catering - food and drink suppliers Location of other emergency services and police Medical facilities Aged care Schools

Data Set

CFS Stations

Description of Use Geo locations of CFS Stations

Data Set

Near Real-Time Surface Reflectance (Sentinel 2A)

Description of Use Identify dangers or risks before they may be known by anyone

Data Set

Storage Tanks

Description of Use Either prevent danger from reaching these key locations, or use them for leverage to assist with an emergency response

Data Set

Statistical Area Level 1 (SA1)

Description of Use Boundries of SA1 areas could be used in combination with incidents and statistical population to estimate people affected or likely to be affected by incident. People likely to need to be evacuated etc.

Data Set


Description of Use Use to identify where homesteads are so to identify how to remove people from homesteads, away from danger and the danger's potential paths, but also where peoples homes are so to protect.

Data Set

Water Supply Reserves

Description of Use Water Supply Areas to protect from contamination or use to retard fire

Data Set

Mobile Black Spot Database

Description of Use Identify where communications will break down and where there'll be a reliance on other forms of communications such as radio or satellite comms

Data Set


Description of Use Locate all public sealed\unsealed roads as well as private roads

Data Set

Real Time Traffic Delay

Description of Use In an emergency congestion can be critical to avoid for an immediate emergency response vehicle

Data Set

Air Quality Monitoring Sites - SA

Description of Use Geo Locations of Air monitoring sites for monitoring particles / air quality

Data Set

Road Bridges and Fords

Description of Use Locations to protect, but also use when necessary to transport cars\trucks to or from danger

Data Set

Recent Air Quality - SA

Description of Use Use for in national disaster or tracking potential threats to nation. RSS feed updated hourly can track if any toxic chemicals detected in different areas. Have thresh holds for safe ranges but in the event of Chemical bomb, Nuclear particles etc can detect if there is any change in air monitoring and pin point where issues or unsafe areas are

Data Set

Airport Point Features

Description of Use Identify where landing strips are in case its necessary to evacuate people or land resources to fight fires or insurgents

Data Set

Last Fire Data Set - SA

Description of Use Identify high v low fire danger risk due to fire fuel risk. Areas that have recent fires would be low risk as little to no fire fuel remaining.

Data Set

Geographical Land Topography contours

Description of Use Assist people on ground to find potential avenues to escape fire or other disasters, also may indicate fire risk as fire travels up hill fast

Data Set

PSMA Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF)

Description of Use Provides locations of points of interest

Data Set

Angus Catchment Dams

Description of Use Use to identify where water resources are located

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Bounty: Decision Support

How can we make it easy to use weather and ocean data to our advantage? (e.g. when should you lay concrete, or go out yachtting or picnicking?)

Go to Challenge | 24 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Mix and Mashup

How can we combine the uncombinable?

Go to Challenge | 61 teams have entered this challenge.

Bounty: Tax Help Centers

Looking at how the ATO could use artificial intelligence or machine learning to locate the best locations for Tax Help Centers

Go to Challenge | 21 teams have entered this challenge.

Working Together

How can open government data to improve responsers' situational understanding and ability to plan their response, and share their information between agencies? How can sharing information between agencies be improved by different information presentation, allowing more informed decisions during domestic emergencies or national security events?

Go to Challenge | 20 teams have entered this challenge.

Improving Response

Best entry that assists CFS planning for and responding to incidents.

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Emergency Planning and Response

How can we better plan and respond to emergencies?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.