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Hypervoxel Inc

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Hypervoxel Inc thumbnail

Team Name

Hypervoxel Inc

Team Members

Theodore , Mr

Project Description

Emergency Response requires offline data access. The Hypervoxels project strategy proves that a system combining huge amounts of historical, real-time stream, and user generated data, with the right technology choices, can provide a highly accessible geo-based data system for use during emergencies.

If developed and implemented during peace-time, this system could be adopted rapidly with very few barriers, requiring only a device, web browser, and occasional network access.

Our project is technology agnostic, vendor agnostic, completely open source, and requires no app store, account sign-up or prior knowledge for the public to make full use of the service.

We explored the best technologies that could be used to deliver consistent and accessible data, then used live feeds and historical data related to emergency management, climate, citizen incident reports to create a visualisation that represents what could be built.

We considered uniform data structures, network structures, security architecture, bandwidth constraints, automated system deployment (devops) and software license constraints to develop a national emergency data management strategy.

#offline #opensource

Data Story

Work on Babelfish 42.0 resulted in two vector and value datasets converted from their hosted format into geo-located multi-value point data. Those samples did not make it into the ARGIS demo, but proved that we could convert various data formats into hypervoxel database suitable for streaming, distribution, uniformity etc.

Some datasets included in the main web app are listed below.

Wave power: The wave resource data is made available from the jointly funded CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere and Australian Renewable Energy Agency Australian Wave Energy Atlas Project.

Bushfire Prone Area (July 2017)
Potential intensity classes within the Bushfire Prone Area are calculated by combining information on Potential Fuel Load, Maximum Landscape Slope and Fire Weather Severity to calculate Potential Fire-line Intensity from Public Safety Business Agency Managed by PublicSafetyQldData

Air quality data comes directly from EPA air monitoring stations via EPA API

MODIS Fire Activity TD03-Copier

Regional Fire Management - Planned Burns
PCS conducts a number of prescribed burns each year in and around urban and rural areas across Canberra and Googong Foreshore (NSW) to prepare for the upcoming fire season.

Fire History Scar
Aggregated historic fire severity classification from 1998 onward for wildfires. It currently has all of the fire sev classification done from FIRESEV98 to FIRESEV09 as well as Grampians Victoria valley complex 2013 and Grampians northern complex 2014

Fire Danger Ratings - 4 Day Forecast (VIC)
Total Fire Ban and Fire Danger Ratings (All fire districts) synced from

VIC Bushfire Observations - Current Burn Area

VIC Incidents


Waze Live Incidents - Bushfire Response

QFES Bushfire Current Incidents Hosted Public View

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Hypervoxel Web App

Description of Use Click the link to load the app in any web browser from any device. (Don't install anything, don't sign up, sign in, share personal data, start a contracted commercial relationship or commit to anything, barriers like these removed as much as possible)

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Canberra Bouncing Back – a resilient City

How can we use data to help Canberra recover from the bushfires and COVID-19 pandemic and foster a city that is resilient against future disruptions?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.

Learning from the Past

How might we use data assets from Victoria and other jurisdictions to better understand bushfire events and their effects on communities and the environment?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Data-driven decisions for improved disaster planning, management or recovery

How might we equip decision makers with a data driven tool to support their communities in the face of climate change and natural disasters.

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.