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iFAS (instant Fire Alert System)

Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Mostafa , Ryadh , Sayem , Eahtesham , Tareq

Project Description

iFAS – Instant Fire Alert System to alert residents at different stages of fire

iFAS is built to collect real time data using ad hoc sensor network deployed into the bushes. From the deployed area the system gets smoke, heat, animal movement, humidity, and environmental sound data to be processed by an AI and Machine learning based system to develop an alert system.

#bushfire #messaging system #telstra api #csiro #govhack #alarm #emergency #extreme weather #evacuation #ifas #data analysis #qld #nsw #vic

Data Story

BOM rainfall data
Annual rainfall is not changing much- not helping bushfires

CSIRO Publication
Blanchi, Raphaele; Leonard, Justin; Haynes,
Katharine; Opie, Kimberley; James, Melissa; Kilinc,
Musa; de Oliveira, Felipe D.; van den Honert, Rob.
Life and house loss database description and
analysis: final report. CSIRO; 2012.

Bushfire fatalities trend.
Impact of decision on fatalities. Insight is – was
prepared, had time and plan, but couldnot avoid.
Fatalities by state – VIC has the most.

No of total annual fire ban days in all of Victoria.
CFA Total Fire Ban History since 1945

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

This team does not currently have any datasets.

Challenge Entries

Data-driven decisions for improved disaster planning, management or recovery

How might we equip decision makers with a data driven tool to support their communities in the face of climate change and natural disasters.

Go to Challenge | 15 teams have entered this challenge.

Connecting our community in an emergency with mobile messaging

How can our local leaders use mobile messaging to connect with citizens in a safe, reliable, and effective way for emergency communications?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.

Engaging communities in hazard reporting & safety

How might we better prepare & deal with natural disasters in Australia?

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.

Understanding the impact of climate change on extreme weather events on the Sunshine Coast

From bushfires to rain and flooding, weather events are increasing in number and strength due to climate change. How might we provide policy advisors and researchers with the keys to communicate the increasing risks and drive change in government policy and public behaviour?

Go to Challenge | 8 teams have entered this challenge.

Learning from the Past

How might we use data assets from Victoria and other jurisdictions to better understand bushfire events and their effects on communities and the environment?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.