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Analysts anonymous

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Evidence of Work

My Canberra Futures 2029

Project Info

Team Name

Analysts anonymous

Team Members

7 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

The number of people living in Canberra is increasing
In 2019 there are around 430,000 people in the ACT. By 2029 it is projected that the ACT will be home to 500,000 people.
More people means a need for more schools and hospitals as well as public infrastructure such as public toilets and playgrounds. The natural environment and green spaces will also be shared by more people.

My Canberra Futures 2029 is a website that allows the public and policymakers to view and explore a number of interactive visualisations, to get a picture of Canberra both now and into the future, and how the needs of the city will change.
The website shows three visualisations.
To be responsive to the future and resilient to change the amount of these services, infrastructure and green spaces need to change. These are shown relative to the population in each district in 2019. The amount of these services and infrastructure required to maintain the same availability up until 2029 are estimated, with the projected populations for these districts.
Users can explore the population by selecting different districts and seeing the age distribution. They can explore the services needed in Canberra in the future, by seeing how many are needed to achieve the same ratio of current services to population, as the city grows. Finally users can look at the number of hectares of green space by district and by persons in each district.
To give you an idea of the use of this websites, a number of interesting stories are revealed by the data.
Molonglo is Canberra’s fastest growing district
Public infrastructure and services in Canberra in most districts need to increase except in Tuggeranong
Of the main population the districts, those with the greatest population (Belconnen, Tuggeranong and Gungahlin) also have the largest amount of green spaces.
Have an explore!

Currently the website is a working prototype, given more time we would
- calculate projections based on more details (such as economies of scales etc. based on data from growth of other cities)
- use different units of services
- take into account services that service multiple district
- account for loss of green spaces due to development
- compare Canberra to other regions

Data Story

To create this website we have combined data from a number of sources, including
• Geographic data on green spaces
• Counts of a number of services offered by the city, disaggregated by district
• And population projections
This was no easy feat. Combining the data meant an extensive process of data cleaning to make the datasets able to speak to each other, and the geographic information was analysed using geographic information systems.

Data sources:
ACT Population Projections: 2018 to 2058,
ACT Arts Facilities List,
ACT Police Station Locations,
ACT School Locations 2017 – archived,
Basketball Courts,
Beaches in the ACT,
Drinking Fountains,
Fenced Dog Parks,
Fitness Sites,
Hospitals in the ACT,
Public Barbeques in the ACT,
Skate Parks,
Sports Grounds In The ACT,
Town And District Playgrounds,
(Public Toilets in the ACT,
Public Furniture in the ACT,
Green Space,

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Green Space

Description of Use Data was imported into GIS software and the number of hectare of specific green spaces was estimated per district.

Data Set

Public Furniture in the ACT

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

Public Toilets in the ACT

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

Town And District Playgrounds

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

Sports Grounds In The ACT

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

Skate Parks

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

Public Barbeques in the ACT

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

Hospitals in the ACT

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

Fitness Sites

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

Fenced Dog Parks

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

Drinking Fountains

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

Beaches in the ACT

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

Basketball Courts

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district

Data Set

ACT School Locations 2017 – archived

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

ACT Police Station Locations

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

ACT Arts Facilities List

Description of Use Applied suburb to district correspondence to estimate the number per district.

Data Set

ACT Population Projections: 2018 to 2058

Description of Use Present estimates for each year and are used to calculate rates for each district. Used to determine suburb to district correspondence.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

🌟 Canberra 2029 – Inclusive; Progressive; Connected

How do we use data from the past to predict a better future for Canberra? How do we best support the diversity of our community? Optimise the way we travel and transport goods throughout our city? Predict the jobs of the future – and the skills needed for them? Connect our citizens with their environment?

Go to Challenge | 21 teams have entered this challenge.

Canberra 2029 – First Hackers: Inclusive; Progressive; Connected

How do we use data from the past to predict a better future for Canberra? How do we best support the diversity of our community? Optimise the way we travel and transport goods throughout our city? Predict the jobs of the future – and the skills needed for them? Connect our citizens with their environment?

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.