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Project 1064

Project Info

BushfireAiForecasters thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Manish , Afroz , Vijay Singh , Rajiv , Harshad , Tanya

Project Description

BushfiresInfo is a One stop shop powered by AI/ML and Intelligent Chatbot for all the information you need regarding Bush Fires. It has the capability to Report and Predict, History of Bushfires. An intelligent chatbot supports easy communication with users and can be potentially used using voice and a variety of languages ( voice and language are further enhancements that can be done ).

This application works as early warning system for the inhabitants and authorities using the Satellite image feed and user upload image to predict the occurrence before it will happen. Use it to minimize the losses by taking preemptive course of action.

Note: The chatbot has not been exposed on the website as it is an IP product and cannot be shared under a creative commons license. The video provided depicts how the chatbot will look and feel.

--- Citation ---
Chatbot widget image :

Website html template :

Bushfire image –1 :

Bushfire image –2 :

Bushfire image – 3 :

Bushfire image – 4 :

Australia PM image:

Text Content -1 :,to%20an%20increase%20in%20light.

Text Content – 2 :

Victoria University Economic Geography Plot (

Australia bushfires VIIRS 750m daily (

CFA Total Fire Ban History since 1945

EPA Environment Monitoring API

Dataset from Wildfire Smoke Detection challenge (

Twilio messaging api to alert citizens and authorities(

Consent has been obtained from the respective parents of the children featured in the video.

#bushfireaiforecasters #ai #ml #chatbot #prediction #python #bushfire #forecast

Data Story

We analysed multiple data sources that were provided as a part of this challenge. We have tried to collate the information from data source and tried to create a user friendly web app. Implement AI / ML by identifying fire occurrences by camera feeds and predicting bush fires by analyzing historic data.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Dataset from Wildfire Smoke Detection challenge

Description of Use Using the images captured for bushfires we can create a algorithm for identifying if a fire has occured by training appropriate models.

Data Set

CFA Total Fire Ban History since 1945

Description of Use This data was used to come with an alert to notify the residents if there was a fire on the same day historically.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Learning from the Past

How might we use data assets from Victoria and other jurisdictions to better understand bushfire events and their effects on communities and the environment?

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.