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Project - Victoria Soils

Project Info

Team Name

Team Radio

Team Members

5 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

This is a project about giving information to farmers in Victoria, at what soil they are growing crops and what soils are nearby them, secondly, which are bush fire-prone areas near them. So they can plan their investment. For these, we have created an app which shows what type of soil they have nearby and we will show what crops can be grown on them so they can plan their investment accordingly, another feature is to inform farmers about bush-fire prone area around them, so if they want to take some precautions they take it on time.

Data Story

We have used two datasets generated by australia government which clearly shows what crops are grown on what type of soil, what crop gets you more revenue and which are bush fire areas nearby that can affect their crop. And what causes bush fire and amount of destruction it has caused in past few years.


Team DataSets

Year Book of Australia

Description of Use We used this dataset to identify bush fire prone areas and then created a map in prototype so farmer can find out are they near bush fire prone areas.

Data Set

Grain Industry Profile

Description of Use We have used all this data to analyze how much Victoria has gathered revenue each year, and also which crop was sold most. In which area this crop was grown and by this information we have created a prototype of app where farmers can find which type of soil they have.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

🌟 Visualising the soil quality of Victoria

Agriculture Victoria have years of meticulously collected soil quality information. This wealth of data is an incredibly rich resource for farmers, industry and researchers who make decisions based on what’s on, or under, the ground. This might include ecological planning, bushfire mapping or deciding on next generation crops. How would you represent this data to help decision makers?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.