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TAPS Dancers

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Evidence of Work


Project Info

Team Name

TAPS Dancers

Team Members

Mostafa , Ata and 2 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Water is extremely valuable all around the world. Life only thrives around water in the entire universe. BUT, water waste is one of the biggest problems we face in Australia. Every day we waste so much water without being conscious about it, which otherwise could been saved for future generations to come.

So how can we help Australian households to save water and money? How can we be notified of potential leaks? How can we categorize water usage in the household? How can we encourage people to use less water? Well, the answer is TAPS - Taking Aqua Protections Seriously.

TAPS is an app that helps track real time water usage through smart water meters. The app has a friendly interface which is easily used to showcase every detail possible about your water usage. This includes the water used during the day per person per liter. It shows the 28 days average per liter per person and state average for comparison.
The app also categorizes the water usage within the household in the last 28 days.
One of the more advanced features of the app is that, it uses water usage patterns, combining them with weather and temperature to predict water usage for the next 7 days. This allows the household to plan ahead on ways to reduce water usage.
The algorithm also notifies user of best time to do laundry and unusual high usage to detect potential leaks.
The app, also encourages households to use less water by providing incentives that can redeemed through points earned.

In the modern world, using advanced algorithms is an effective way to reduce water usage to protect our valuable resource.

#taps #save water #digital water #track water #algorithms #prediction algorithms #digitising your drinking water #unitywater #unity water

Data Story

We have used data from Unitywater for the month of July to base our graphs and models on. Unitywater digital water meter datasets were used for smart water details. the 2021 census data was used in order to compare data, and finally the data from The Bureau of Meteorology to be used in the algorithm.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

beauty of meteorology

Description of Use Weather data such as temperature is combined with user data to base algorithms, predictions and suggestions.

Data Set

Census 2021

Description of Use Used the state data for Queensland to get average water usage.

Data Set


Description of Use Data used to calculate daily usage of a random user for the month of July.

Data Set

Unitywater - Digital Water Meter data

Description of Use Understand and analyse the dataset provided by unitywater.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Water Quality - Gippsland Lakes

What is the data telling us about what drives water quality in the Gippsland Lakes?

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Digitising your drinking water

Clean water is an essential service for our communities and has been identified as the ‘Blue Gold’ for the next generation. How might data be harnessed to influence people to reduce water consumption? How might monitoring and tracking water usage now help protect this valuable resource for future generations?

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.