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Urban Design and Amenity

Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Jessie , Nirish , David Truong , Priyanka

Project Description

Project Description Details:

With the significant impact of climate change, our cities are reshaping, and the future is being refocused on tech, transportation and open spaces; stage by stage; we believe the classical image of cities with tall buildings is very resilient, and they cannot disappear anytime soon, but changes will take place.

We propose our 4-stage plan to the state government to work towards realizing the vision of zero-emission cities

The 4-stage plan consists of:
- RESPOND - where the focus is on the creative use of pre-existing infrastructure; it is a responsible way that will take advantage of new economic opportunities while aiming to reduce energy and emissions
- REACTIVATE - where we are looking to re-configure urban layout in response to changes, with the help of technology
- TRANSFORM - where Australia as a nation looks at more creative ways of using renewable energy while reducing carbon footprint
- GROW - a long-term outlook at how cities might look like in the next 30 years

Australia has laid out its plan to reach net zero emissions by 2050, and the government will act in a practical and responsible way to contribute towards net zero emissions, while preserving Australian jobs and generating new opportunities for industries and regional Australia.

Australia’s whole-of-economy Long-Term Emissions Reduction Plan outlines how we will:
- drive down the cost of low emissions technologies
- deploy these technologies at scale
- help our regional industries and communities seize economic opportunities in new and traditional markets
- work with other countries on the technologies needed to decarbonise the world’s economy.

#landscape #urban design #open spaces #tech #transportation

Data Story

Over the next decade, Australia’s existing $20 billion investment in low emissions technology is expected to unlock at least $80 billion of total private and public investment, including in clean hydrogen, carbon capture and storage and energy storage. The Technology Investment Roadmap outlined in the Australia’s long-term emissions reduction plan will guide more than $20 billion of government investment in low emissions technology to 2030. We believe our 4-stage plan, with Respond and Reactivate phases as our selling point at the moment to win State Government tender, can share in this $20 billion budget and take a 5% of the total amount, which is equivalent to $1 billion dollar. The amount will be used in our proposal, especially for first 2 stages of Respond and Reactivate. Transform and Grow stages are longer-term plan proposal that needs further prototyping and planning to estimate an accurate budget amount; but it can share in the total funding of the $20 billion budget to 2030.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Australia’s long-term emissions reduction plan

Description of Use We believe our 4-stage plan, with Respond and Reactivate phases as our selling point at the moment to win State Government tender, can share in this $20 billion budget and take a 5% of the total amount, which is equivalent to $1 billion dollar. The amount will be used in our proposal, especially for first 2 stages of Respond and Reactivate. Transform and Grow stages are longer-term plan proposal that needs further prototyping and planning to estimate an accurate budget amount; but it can share in the total funding of the $20 billion budget to 2030.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

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Emissions: The Dark side of Buildings

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Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.