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Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Sitha , Ramesh

Project Description

Unemployment is a big problem
Job seekers needs to take care of themselves as well as families
Be on a high demand job has always been a problem in this dynamic world
Getting success in the advertised job is not so easy

#govhack #govic #unemployment #skillsindemand #gov hack #skills in demand #government #employment

Data Story

Data visualisations makes the job seekers aware of the situation
Getting to know which job skills are in demand in public sector
Applying to the right job
Trained in the high demand public sector
Keep updated with the dynamic nature of the job industry
Know what skills are required to get the job

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Victorian Public Sector Employees - Employment status: ongoing, fixed term and casual employment

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Citizen Science

How might we create a citizen science experiment to support a better understanding of what is happening in the State of Victoria?

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.