Entries to Smart infrastructure for data-driven decision making

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<html lang="en"> <body> <h1>OverSITE: Where Smart Cities Meet Smarter Decisions</h1> <h2>Our Team</h2> <p> We are a small group of IT staff working in education, with a background in computer science education, data engineering and software development, and systems, n...

Go to Project | Great Southern Gurus

Access Enabled App (AEP)

A user friendly app catered to the specific needs of individuals enabling them to access more in their community and be a part of more. PPTX: https://greatsoutherngrammar-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/vincent_leveque_student_gsg_wa_edu_au/ERB1hIrWdl9BnpLi30MsnI4BI_q_epKHwI7jNme-jsLNgQ?e=4...

Go to Project | Pannenkeoken


Problem Statement: Victoria continues to be the fastest-growing state in Australia, with our population projected to hit 10.3 million by 2051. The state's economy grew by 9.1% over the past two years, surpassing growth rates in NSW, Queensland, Western Australia, and Tasmania. In terms of busine...

Go to Project | NextGen

Smart infrastructure for data-driven decision making

NatureGuard is an innovative solution designed to streamline the management of Sunshine Coast Council's public spaces asset managment, by leveraging existing IoT infrastructure and predictive AI models. The goal is to optimize maintenance schedules, enhance asset utilization, improve visitor expe...

Go to Project | NatureGuard

Noobies Project

How to open our project: we work on rapid miner so when you go to evidence of work there is a file with.rmp at the tail. Please open it in Rapidminer(altar studio) , when you open file you will see the 3 read CSV named Alpha X, atmost, Dingtek , they are our chosen 3 datasets(similar names). yo...

Go to Project | Noobies


We are proposing "Victoria Green Tranist Strategy" that focuses on optimizing active public infrastructure that can significantly enhance environmental and operational efficiency by promoting carpooling and integrating EV charging facilities. By incentivizing carpooling, state government can redu...

Go to Project | Greenius


# GovHack 2024 - HikeAware ## The Product Our project had a two-pronged approach: to both aid in citizen science and local animal awareness from an app, and to help provide greater data awareness and analysis capabilities to the local council.To do so, we have created two outputs: the app [...

Go to Project | GovHike


</br> ## **CityCent: Empowering Safer Roads, Together** CityCent is a revolutionary mobile application designed to enhance road safety in urban environments by connecting communities and authorities through real-time data and collaborative features. **Key Features:** * **Real-Time Aler...

Go to Project | Team Centelon


![image](https://i.imgur.com/ycv6mRW.png) # Problem Statement Currently, Victoria is facing a challenge in managing their urban mobility, mainly due to the increase in private vehicles over the years. This leads to increased traffic congestion, carbon emissions, bad air quality and an overall ...

Go to Project | EcoCommute

Morethan Steps

Morethan Steps is a step-tracking app designed specifically for a Local Government Area like Moreton Bay, where every step contributes to greening the community. Users can select weekly step challenges tied to planting local flora. For instance, reaching 50,000 steps in a week results in the coun...

Go to Project | Morethan Bay

UrbIA: Urban Insights Atlas

Urbia: Urban Insights Atlas. Using the Digital Atlas of Australia (map, api, and data), and other relevant local data, UrbIA allows users to explore their environments and receive AI-generated insights on road safety, capacity forecasting, and urban sustainability. With UrbIA, users can react to ...

Go to Project | Banico Family

#A Maroochydooers Project#

# EcoInsight Our project harnesses the power of contextual data to transform and enhance AI tools, enabling them to deliver more tailored and relevant responses. By integrating rich contextual layers, we empower these technologies to not only inform and evaluate but also to strengthen our connec...

Go to Project | Maroochydooers

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