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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Connor Hare , Alex , Russell , Filip Jerkovic , Jerry , Tony Cui , Walter Lim

Project Description is a platform that allows all 3D building information to be centrally stored, and easily accessed by the government, engineers and the general public. is a pioneering platform designed to revolutionise urban development and building information management. Serving as a centralised information hub for New Zealand's infrastructure, the platform seamlessly consolidates 3D building information, providing government entities, engineers, and the general public with a comprehensive view of existing structures and the city's future plans. With a focus on real-world applicability, empowers stakeholders to collaboratively shape the urban landscape, streamline processes, and ensure sustainable environmental improvements.

Government entities

1. Keeping track of the status of the city's infrastructure.

2. Initiating the repair and inspection process on the platform, to encourage the construction industry to digitise their workflow to reduce carbon emissions.

3. Plan for future infrastructure and manage infrastructure project progress.

Buliding contractors and engineers

1. Notifying construction professionals about the status of the city's infrastructure network.

2. Helping the construction industry to manage their work digitally.

General public

1. Helping the general public to stay informed about the city's infrastructure status, work progress and future plans.

2. Giving the general public a platform to voice their concerns and raise any issues.

#infrastructure #bridges #culverts #roads #buildings #digital twin

Data Story

Refer to data sources

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Coastal Inundation 100 yr return 2m sea level rise

Description of Use Used to visualise areas vulnerable to sea level rise in the Deck.GL map

Data Set

Average Daily Traffic Counts

Description of Use Used to add an average daily traffic layer to the map view

Data Set

LAWA Air Quality Dataset

Description of Use Correlated with suburbs for air quality by suburb visualization layer.

Data Set

Suburb Locality

Description of Use Suburb borders for correlation with air purity data

Data Set

Watercare Outages API

Description of Use Outage markers and information, plotted on the map.

Data Set

Chorus Outages API

Description of Use Chorus outage zones and reasons

Data Set

Watercare Open Data

Description of Use Pipe visualization, hydrant visualisation

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Measuring Emissions – Where should we start? Standardising data for tracking, monitoring, and reporting emissions

Climate change is forcing governments and regulators to enforce stringent norms for businesses to reduce emissions and address environmental risks. There is no standard framework for reporting ESG and climate related risks, leading to non-uniform data. How can this issue be addressed to help organisations better report on their emissions?

Go to Challenge | 13 teams have entered this challenge.

Reducing carbon emissions in households

Build a platform that can help households in New Zealand reduce their carbon emissions. Food production, transportation among others are major contributors of emissions. Can you help New Zealand reach net-zero by 2050 and reduce emissions by 50% by 2030?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Digital Twin Modelling

Best Digital Twin solution that enables community organisations to plan, manage, monitor and evaluate their environmental improvement initiatives

Go to Challenge | 2 teams have entered this challenge.

Aotearoa Citizen Survey Actions

Best Solution to Citizen City Concerns

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.