Entries to Amp up SA: Forecasting Electric Transport for Grid Resilience

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<img title="Energy4me" alt="App Preview" src="https://lachlanstephen.com/Presentation.png"> Energy4me is an application that pulls data from the National Energy Market, to better educate users on the most renewable times to use electricity. This would also work to alert users when it would be ...

Go to Project | 42Adelaide: Lachlan

ElectroForesight Dashboard

In the current landscape with immense growth potential for Electric Vehicles (EVs), there is a growing need for more information regarding the benefits and challenges they bring. As a response, our team has developed the ElectroForesight Dashboard. Our objective is to illustrate a range of extern...

Go to Project | Team Capybara

Australia's Green Energy Initiative: Paths to Grid Resilience and Advancing Sustainable Transportation

# **Background and Problem Statement** **South Australia's Renewable Energy Pioneers** South Australia has emerged as a trailblazer in the renewable energy sector, achieving a remarkable feat in increasing its renewable energy share from less than 1% to over 70% in just 16 years. The state ...

Go to Project | GridGuardians SA

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