Entries to Place-based insights unlocked: Generative AI x Digital Atlas of Australia

Catalogue | Table

<html lang="en"> <body> <h1>OverSITE: Where Smart Cities Meet Smarter Decisions</h1> <h2>Our Team</h2> <p> We are a small group of IT staff working in education, with a background in computer science education, data engineering and software development, and systems, n...

Go to Project | Great Southern Gurus


Team members: Sarah Ann Kanisius Sosrodimardito Rachel Tan Roshaal Roberts (no Hackerspace account) James Audcent Steven Hodgskin IntroDucks is a tool designed to address the growing disconnect within Australian communities by fostering civic participation and building stronger local con...

Go to Project | Bloomers


CrocCierge proposes a new approach to tell residents and visitors to the Northern Territory everything their local area has to offer. Government and community services are included, along with events, experiences and tourist destinations, areas of outstanding natural beauty and sites of cultural ...

Go to Project | Analyticats


Background Bushfires devastate our communities. They come with substantial health and economic costs. According to a recent study from Monash University, bushfires are projected to cause around 2,400 deaths and nearly 8,600 years of life lost between 2021 and 2030. The healthcare costs are e...

Go to Project | URL

Council Voting🗳️

We’re developing an AI to help voters engage with and access information in local elections, similar to ABC’s “Election Compass” for federal elections. This AI will scrape the web for up-to-date candidate research and summarize council minutes to present incumbents’ voting history. As part of the...

Go to Project | Council Voting🗳️


# Insights AI Governments and policymakers often face challenges in understanding the evolving needs of their communities, leading to inefficient resource allocation, delayed infrastructure upgrades, and slow responses to local developments. This AI-powered platform addresses these issues by...

Go to Project | Goldwyn

Atlas AI

Our project focus is to ideate on how we can leverage *LLM and Generative AI* to explore and discover data and their relationships from the vast data repositories like *Atlas Catalog and Data Victoria*. Currently you need expertise to interact with these catalogs and domain understanding to ...

Go to Project | Atlas


Web Application to generate vintage ads based off data from Vic Car Crash data. User Auth with unique gallery per user.

Go to Project | PreventRhinoAds.ai

FutureMove VIC

# **Sustainable Transport Insights and LGA Analysis** # **Warning: The prod version of the site is quite slow due to Data processing and using free services to host the site with slow free DB instance online aswell. Please wait for 15-20 seconds if the instance is in hibernate mode. # **Al...

Go to Project | Siyani

Smart Mobility: Promote Sustainable Transportation with Place based Insights and Generative AI

![logo](https://github.com/mingzhe-work/govhack-2024-public/blob/main/smart-mobility/images/logo-mobility.png?raw=true) # Summary This project aims to promote sustainable urban infrastructure and reduce reliance on private vehicles. By leveraging the power of geospatial data and Generative ...

Go to Project | Hack-a-Vision

UrbIA: Urban Insights Atlas

Urbia: Urban Insights Atlas. Using the Digital Atlas of Australia (map, api, and data), and other relevant local data, UrbIA allows users to explore their environments and receive AI-generated insights on road safety, capacity forecasting, and urban sustainability. With UrbIA, users can react to ...

Go to Project | Banico Family

Bush Balance

BushBalance is an innovative ecosystem services visualisation tool that can engage both the public and professionals alike. It aims to make the value of nature more tangible and accessible through technology, which can help conservation and engagement efforts. Key Features and Functionality ...

Go to Project | T-reevaluation

Clustering NSW Senior Highschools by Socio-economics Factors

## Team Members and Team Captain - **Team Member**: Thang Phung - **Team Captain**: Xuan Cuong Nguyen --- ## Project Description This project aims to uncover patterns of educational inequity among schools by analyzing socio-economic and demographic data. Using key indicators such as **IC...

Go to Project | LNTP


Our project - EnviroLink fosters community engagement and collaboration by enabling real-time data collection across multiple locations in the Pine Rivers catchment and Moreton Bay, encouraging active participation and raising awareness of environmental changes. This system provides Unity Water...

Go to Project | Team 2428 - Hydro Hackers

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