Entries to Staying one step ahead

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Fraud Sentinel

software that will monitor the activity of general public to prevent from falling for different type od scams.

Go to Project | Team 2146


![CyberGuardian Image 2](https://github.com/ChrisPVella/GovHack2023-CyberGuardian.io/blob/main/images/CyberGuardianImage1.jpg?raw=true) [Project Description](https://github.com/ChrisPVella/GovHack2023-CyberGuardian.io/blob/main/project.md) ![CyberGuardian Image 2](https://github.com/ChrisPV...

Go to Project | Chronos2

Addressing cybersecurity issues in Australia with open data

# Introduction According to the latest <a href="https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.accc.gov.au%2Fabout-us%2Fpublications%2Fserial-publications%2Ftargeting-scams-report-on-scams-activity%2Ftargeting-scams-report-of-the-accc-on-scams-activity-2022%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0hePOSCqU67SaRg4qTrXT...

Go to Project | Scammer Block Plus

Secure*Mind Hub

<img src="https://i.ibb.co/KF599X9/smhubjk.png" alt="securemindhub"> Secure Mind HUB: What is it all about? As we continue to evolve alongside AI, we often underestimate its capabilities. The presence of large language models and the emergence of unethical behavior patterns have become fertile...

Go to Project | Oz-TechTrailblazers

Staying one step ahead by CyberAhead

A unified application is to be developed that has a multiple-purpose function to provide security and safety of information. This application is to be developed on multi-platforms like Android, Windows, MAC, and IOS. Features of Application: - The app will Utilize machine learning algori...

Go to Project | CyberAhead

Two steps ahead

Centralized Platform to prevent you from online scams Introduction: The digital age has brought countless opportunities and conveniences. However, alongside its benefits, it has also opened doors to an alarming number of vulnerabilities. More and more hackers are trying to scam people out of the...

Go to Project | SafeWeb Innovators

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