Entries to Smart Mobility: Optimizing Urban Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future

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#### Team Name Hacks and Whys #### Team Members Alyssa Libed, Joyanne Coca, Manjot Kaur, Manuel Martinez, Nannisa Pattaranansit, Pricila Yessayan (Team Leader) #### Challenge Addressed Moreton Bay Greening as We Grow (QLD) # Project Description: KooraGO App: Greening Moreton Bay...

Go to Project | Hacks & Whys

Access Enabled App (AEP)

A user friendly app catered to the specific needs of individuals enabling them to access more in their community and be a part of more. PPTX: https://greatsoutherngrammar-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/vincent_leveque_student_gsg_wa_edu_au/ERB1hIrWdl9BnpLi30MsnI4BI_q_epKHwI7jNme-jsLNgQ?e=4...

Go to Project | Pannenkeoken


Problem Statement: Victoria continues to be the fastest-growing state in Australia, with our population projected to hit 10.3 million by 2051. The state's economy grew by 9.1% over the past two years, surpassing growth rates in NSW, Queensland, Western Australia, and Tasmania. In terms of busine...

Go to Project | NextGen


#### Team Name Hacks and Whys #### Team Members Alyssa Libed, Joyanne Coca, Manjot Kaur, Manuel Martinez, Nannisa Pattaranansit, Pricila Yessayan (Team Leader) #### Challenge Addressed Smart Mobility: Optimizing Urban Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future # Project Description...

Go to Project | Hacks & Whys

TransitPulse Explorer

<h1 style="text-align: center;">Mapping the Past, Forecasting the Future</h1> <h3 style="text-align: right;">TransitPulse Explorer</h3> <br/><br/> ## **Problem Statement**: As outer suburbs in Victoria continue to experience rapid population and housing growth, one of the most pressing ch...

Go to Project | SoDa Labs


VSafeRoute is an AI-powered web application designed to improve cycling safety and infrastructure in Victoria. By integrating Victoria Crash Data with the Principal Bicycle Network (PBN) data, the app identifies high-risk routes for cyclists and provides data-driven insights to guide infrastructu...

Go to Project | FedTech


We are proposing "Victoria Green Tranist Strategy" that focuses on optimizing active public infrastructure that can significantly enhance environmental and operational efficiency by promoting carpooling and integrating EV charging facilities. By incentivizing carpooling, state government can redu...

Go to Project | Greenius

Ride-Wise Smart Mobility Solutions

The project, “Ride-Wise Smart Mobility Solutions” aims to reduce private vehicle reliance in Victoria by enhancing sustainable transport systems. With decreasing of the car usage, especially in suburban areas, this project proposes several strategies to encourage greener transportation choices, e...

Go to Project | Four Musketeers


</br> ## **CityCent: Empowering Safer Roads, Together** CityCent is a revolutionary mobile application designed to enhance road safety in urban environments by connecting communities and authorities through real-time data and collaborative features. **Key Features:** * **Real-Time Aler...

Go to Project | Team Centelon


![image](https://i.imgur.com/ycv6mRW.png) # Problem Statement Currently, Victoria is facing a challenge in managing their urban mobility, mainly due to the increase in private vehicles over the years. This leads to increased traffic congestion, carbon emissions, bad air quality and an overall ...

Go to Project | EcoCommute


Our vision at DataGurus is to solve complex challenges faced by governments, businesses and citizens through effective and efficient use of data. We bring diverse skillsets to the table with a unique lens to problem solving. Our team is passionate about using data and evolving tools to derive act...

Go to Project | DataGurus

FutureMove VIC

# **Sustainable Transport Insights and LGA Analysis** # **Warning: The prod version of the site is quite slow due to Data processing and using free services to host the site with slow free DB instance online aswell. Please wait for 15-20 seconds if the instance is in hibernate mode. # **Al...

Go to Project | Siyani


### Summary Victoria is experiencing a shift in people opting for more private vehicle usage than public transport, resulting in a significant increase in vehicles on the road. For those living in outer suburbs, managing public transport schedules to commute to work or university becomes challen...

Go to Project | Mobility Mates

Smart Mobility: Promote Sustainable Transportation with Place based Insights and Generative AI

![logo](https://github.com/mingzhe-work/govhack-2024-public/blob/main/smart-mobility/images/logo-mobility.png?raw=true) # Summary This project aims to promote sustainable urban infrastructure and reduce reliance on private vehicles. By leveraging the power of geospatial data and Generative ...

Go to Project | Hack-a-Vision


HAiLO is our solution to help keep Victoria's roads safe. It's an AI web tool with an interactive map that utilizes datasets across many sectors to find the main contributing factors of road crashes and provide suggestions. These suggestions can be anything from who to target in a marketing campa...

Go to Project | Best Käse Scenario


This project focuses on utilising AI to optimise the routing of buses that have a fixed final destination, such as a train station. Using data such as vehicle registrations, Bus Stop data, Travel and Activity data, and Train Service Passenger Count data to understand transport trends and patterns...

Go to Project | Detour Labs

UrbIA: Urban Insights Atlas

Urbia: Urban Insights Atlas. Using the Digital Atlas of Australia (map, api, and data), and other relevant local data, UrbIA allows users to explore their environments and receive AI-generated insights on road safety, capacity forecasting, and urban sustainability. With UrbIA, users can react to ...

Go to Project | Banico Family

Get on Track

Project Description Get on Track (GOT) is our solution to help reduce traffic congestion at peak hours and encourage people use more public transport and improve wellbeing of people. The government's investment in developing train stations to enhance public transportation access has revealed...

Go to Project | Metro Bandits

vMAAS (Victorian Mobility as a Service)

### **Project Description: vMaas (Victorian Mobility as a Service)** **Overview** vMaas is an innovative platform designed to empower governments and the public in promoting eco-friendly travel solutions. The platform leverages real-time data and actionable insights to facilitate smarter, g...

Go to Project | Team Space

Project 2624

We suggest more people to ride bikes in different way and try to rebuild people's willingness to take public transport.

Go to Project | Team 2624

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