Entries to Using AI to better connect Northern Territory Science with the community

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Please follow the below links for properly formatted documents. # Prototype [https://www.figma.com/file/LljAyYTXZOfRVwK8wUyxxY/Untitled?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=A0cMmDzE4Q45LrX8-1](https://www.figma.com/file/LljAyYTXZOfRVwK8wUyxxY/Untitled?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=desig...

Go to Project | PiByte_Warriors

Personalized Research Information Chatbot

##Personalized Research Information Chatbot (PRIC) Project Description: To design and implement a personalized chatbot that can accurately retrieve and present research information from government websites, streamlining the process of accessing data for users and ensuring relevant informati...

Go to Project | Team PRIC

Territory AI Enhanced Research Outreach

The project aims to use Generative AI trained on custom Data that focuses on research done in the NT, for the NT and by the NT. The NT is home to the finest research institutes, namely Charles Darwin University, Menzies, Desert Knowledge Australia, CSIRO and more. However, there is a need to comm...

Go to Project | TAERO


To combat the highest suicide rate in the world, Yimpinnini (or Sistagirls), Indigenous transgender women on Tiwi Islands, have been kickstarting ecological bush tour for community resilience. Bush knowledge is traditionally gendered by male for hunting and female for gathering, but Yimpinnini ca...

Go to Project | YANGAMINI

Science NT-> Supporting remote communities with scientific newsletters

Description: The Northern Territory Government has a visionary goal of fostering an innovative society with a scientifically literate community. To bridge the gap between the advancements in Science and Technology (S&T) and the general public, we propose the implementation of an AIpowered ...

Go to Project | Data Vikings

AI-Driven Reporting of NT's Sci-Tech Advances

Introducing an AI-powered app designed to bring the latest in NT's science and technology advancements to our local community. Equipped with a GPT-3 chatbot, it's adept at answering a range of queries spanning infrastructure, health, education, IT, and more to come in the future. The app harnesse...

Go to Project | NTech

AI-Powered NT

#AI-Powered NT ##An application on NT-based advances in Science and Technology, news delivery and intelligent search&AI interaction ###User Interface ####1. Easy to use&intuitive ####2. Individualized preference setting ###Outstanding features ####1. GPS (local and NT sci-tech news) ...

Go to Project | Team 2323

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