Entries to Using Open Data to Close the Gap

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Using Open Data to Close the Gap

The Close the Gap Campaign strives to narrow health and life expectancy disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians within one generation. It recognizes the enduring resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. The endeavor is a shared journey, aiming to emp...

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WisdomWalks is an open-source knowledge base website, fostering community contribution on building a permanent archive for Indigenous knowledge and cultural heritage sites. This data will be organised as articles on an interactive map, with the purpose of encouraging users to go out and visit/lea...

Go to Project | O.R.G.


Please follow the below links for properly formatted documents. # Prototype [https://www.figma.com/file/LljAyYTXZOfRVwK8wUyxxY/Untitled?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=A0cMmDzE4Q45LrX8-1](https://www.figma.com/file/LljAyYTXZOfRVwK8wUyxxY/Untitled?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=desig...

Go to Project | PiByte_Warriors


1DATA is an initiative working to improve the data and information sharing practices between governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to Close the Gap. 1DATA addresses these needs and gaps through 3 target areas: <b>1. 1DATA’S ‘MOB FRIENDLY’ DATA C...

Go to Project | 42 Adelaide


To combat the highest suicide rate in the world, Yimpinnini (or Sistagirls), Indigenous transgender women on Tiwi Islands, have been kickstarting ecological bush tour for community resilience. Bush knowledge is traditionally gendered by male for hunting and female for gathering, but Yimpinnini ca...

Go to Project | YANGAMINI

influenzAI: Using AI to provide convenient, private, trustworthy access to Long COVID & Influenza information from open, reputable government data.

# influenzAI *A revolutionary clinical decision support tool leveraging generative AI to provide on-demand evidence-based insights and recommendations to clinicians regarding long COVID and influenza, utilising its curated healthcare knowledge repository of health care data.* <p align="cent...

Go to Project | G2

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